Monday, October 12, 2009

-a never ending expectation-

While she was doing her Science & Technology assignment..somehow her mind travels and reflects back like a broken old  television with black and white goes way back to the mundane evening she spent watching an episode of Doraemon..that one episode which almost bring tears down her round fluffy cheeks..=)

Yes...she did cried and tried to hide her tears but its not because she had been bewitch by Doraemon..
well...wat can one expect from a round head robot that have everything besides fun..

What really makes her cries is the hidden message brought about on expectation...parental expectation to be exact...
Yeaahh...very true that uncertainity and expectation were the joy of life...
Every single soul..human ..mammals can't ever run from reckoning..putting that hope high up on others...

Literally we were made through the love of our parents and ever since the day we are born, we have been treated as an object beyond preciousness. As we grow from an incomprehensible infant to a wandering toddler, we abide ourselves to our parents and became dependent towards them. ...

It then became an obligation for us to respect them and obey them. Parents generally have an expectation for us to achieve to be “successful” in their own various definitions. The predicament that always occurs is that we failed to be on that spotlight...sadly..but truly..

Typically lot of teenagers buckle to the pressure and just give up. Any form of emotion that in some way resembles enthusiasm is thrown out the window...(thats what I do ...I guess..hehe.)..
Either u face them or runaway from my case I flight everytime I caught the opputunity..
Somehow ..I just cant stop feeling guilty remembring my sin..hehehe...
(my poor parents..forgive ur lousy daughter ya...)
yes..regrets will lingers but for now I wanna be true to myself....

Still expectation wont stop...even u urself would put some sort of expectation oh ur own capabilities..

Even in writing this article i feel like it’s not as good as it could be, what will people think of it? Of me? Will they laugh? Will they understand what i am going on about? Will they love me forever or will they stop reading my blog altogether?

And now, after leaving the childhood and upon entering adulthood, have my expectations been fulfilled?
Of course not! There’s more than ever now.

Expectation to grad in nearest time, getting a well paid job, nurturing my other abilities and talents, be more useful towards my family...And that’s about where it ends, because by the time i have fulfilled all these expectations, i’ll be an old woman in a wheelchair contemplating what my life would have been like if i had done things differently. Not buckled by the expectations that myself and others placed upon me. Etcetera etcetera. But that would also be a load of shit coz expectations are apart of day to day life.

I guess it’s learning to except them and embrace or ignore them as they come which is what makes us truly content with our life.


A life full of regrets is epic fail. U can beat me on that....


Xaxatie said...

Diba.. i link ur blog to mine. bleh kann? =) wooohooo~keep writing..

Lost within said...

buleh2...siler la...wahahaha..ade gak ke orng yg bace aku merapu bukan2