Sunday, September 27, 2009



Waiting for the phone to ring
But maybe someone’s on the other end
Just waiting for you to call them
You say I’ll wait just one more minute
But the phone it just won’t ring
And your thoughts return to the question
Is someone on the other end?
Do they want to talk to you today,
Are they waiting?
But the phone it just won’t ring
So you say I’ll wait just one more minute
But the anxiety runs way too deep
So you walk away for today
I guess they didn’t want to call you
But I know better
I know there’s someone on the other end
Waiting for you to call them
But instead the phone rings somewhere else

“Yes, that’s right I don’t have any plans.”

I sit here now waiting for a call that might never come.
Maybe Im just lying to myself and its all just in my head.
Wasn't there a promise we would contact each other?
Being a realistic person i should know better that romance is dead in the world right?
Yet i'm a hopeless romantic who rather wait than make the first call.
Oh well, back to busying myself....

Waiting for phone calls sucks...

Might as well b the one to call rather than ended up death...
but still I wanted to wait more...

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